This open-access guide aims to empower museums to understand and contribute to the SDGs, with a framework of seven key activities aligned with the SDG targets.
Heimsmarkmið sem tengjast verkefninu
This guide is intended to help empower museums (small, large and of any kind, anywhere), museum workers, museum networks and their partners to contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs for short).
Markmið verkefnis
Museums have a great deal to offer this Agenda, and some of the SDGs will not be achieved without museums. This guide aims to help museums, and you, play your part.
Hvenær er áætlað að markmiðinu verði náð?
The goal would be for Icelandic museums to make use of the guide.
Mældur árangur
Web evidence of museums using the SDGs and the guide.
Framvinda verkefnis
This open-access guide was published in 2019. It circulates widely, and as of June 2023 had over 30,000 downloads worldwide
Tengdir hlekkir